The Most Romantic Ways to Propose To a Woman


A proposal is one of the most cherished memories in a couple’s life. It’s the moment when you show your partner just how devoted you are, and that you’re ready to take the next leap in your love story. In fact, proposals are viewed as the grandest gesture of love (besides weddings, of course). That’s why people go to great lengths to make their proposal extra special and memorable. Are you stuck thinking how to impress your lady? The following are romantic ways to propose that will guarantee a YES.

Your Favorite Place

Pick a place that captured both your hearts. Perhaps the park where you two first met or that bistro where you took her out on your first date. It’s important that you take her to a place that holds only wonderful memories.

Be careful not to ruin the surprise! Take her out for a picnic/date proposal but just call it a normal date. Gather your friends to help prepare the place by adding flowers, candles, and served food. Before going down on one knee, relive those wonderful moments you shared together.

proposal at paris

At the Top of a Mountain

Is your girlfriend a hiker? Bring her close to nature by planning a hike together. Symbolic of your journey as a couple, reaching the top of a mountain is like triumph over challenges in your relationship. Once you’re at the top be ready to take the diamond wedding ring and propose.

Mountain Proposal

Play a Scavenger Hunt

Hide notes around the house leading one to another with the goal of finding the “treasure” which is an engagement ring. You can do this by using a simple marker and some paper, but if you want something grand and more elaborate you can also use maps and the help of other people to create the perfect scavenger hunt proposal. If your fiancée-to-be loves challenges, a treasure hunt game ending in a proposal will certainly make her swoon!

Opening the Big Box

Send the ring in a big box which contains several smaller boxes. Similar to the Russian nesting dolls, this will give your fiancé-to-be the idea that it’s a very big gift. Once she’s about to open the last box containing the ring, go down on one knee and propose.

Using a Trail of Flowers

Lead your girl to the diamond wedding ring using a trail of flowers. Flowers symbolize beauty and purity – and it’s the perfect gift for your beautiful bride-to-be. You can also rent a space to create a red carpet-like entourage which leads to a pedestal where the ring is. Once she finds it, give her a huge bouquet and shoot the question.

Flash Mob Proposal

The most romantic ways to propose involve dancing and singing. If your girl has always loved to be the center of attention, a flash mob proposal is a great and fun way to ask for her hand in marriage. Flash mob proposals are easy to setup but require meticulous planning for it to succeed. Hire people to dance to “your song” while your sweetheart unsuspectingly passes by the area. Before the song ends, show yourself and get down on one knee.

Inside the Pizza Box

This idea is best for your partner who loves pizza more than anything in the world. Order a pizza and have the words “Will You Marry Me?” printed at the top of the pizza box. Make sure that she’s the one to receive the delivery and open the box. Don’t forget to capture her reaction when she reads the message!

Beach Proposal

Does your partner love the beach? Setup a romantic beach proposal by writing the words “Will You Marry Me” on the sand. If you want something more elaborate, you can also create the special “message in the bottle proposal” where you hide a bottle in the sand with the note and have her find it “accidentally”.

Beach Proposal

Adorable Puppy Proposal

Who can say no to an adorable little puppy? If your partner is wanting to get a dog, use the opportunity to create a double surprise. First, surprise her by delivering the puppy on her doorstep. Then, wait for her to find the diamond wedding ring attached to its collar then propose.

Plan a Grand Vacation

For couples who love traveling, proposing in one of your grandest vacation can be the most romantic thing! Ask your girl where her dream vacation is and plan a romantic destination proposal. If you’ve got the money, you can level up the gesture by bringing her family too.

Grand Vacation Proposal

Public Proposal Involving Family & Friends

If your fiancé isn’t bothered by awkward public moments, then this is a good proposal idea. With the help of friends and family, spell out a “Will You Marry Me?” text. Get creative, you can do this by printing T-shirts or using umbrellas. Given that she’s close-knit with her family, have supportive parents and siblings, this wedding proposal will guarantee a yes.

Cook Her Dinner Then Propose

Not all proposals have to go viral for it to be romantic. You can create a special proposal in the comfort of your home. If you’re that guy who never cooks, then this proposal will be more romantic and heartfelt. Don’t forget to dress-up, spruce up the place, and make everything extra special – think of this as a way to compensate your lack of cooking skills. Once you two finish the meal, be ready to get down on one knee.

Hot Air Balloons

If she’s into chick flicks, fairytales and dreams of flying, then hot air balloon proposals will definitely work like magic. Bring a bottle of champagne and pop the question when you’re a thousand feet in the air staring at the world under.

Underwater Proposal

Perfect if your partner likes scuba diving and the world under the sea. Once you’re submerged in the deep blue with all the beautiful marine life, take out a note with that says “Will You Marry Me” You won’t probably get an audible “yes” but a nod and a hug might just mean the same.

Creating the most romantic proposal is all about diamond wedding rings, timing and setting. However, the most romantic ways to propose are not often the grandest or the most unique. Sometimes, the simple yet heartfelt proposals are the ones that always get a big YES.